Pre flight checks 0.0 / 5 ? OtherPre flight checksOtherOther Created by: Kate FishCreated on: 02-06-18 21:34 What are the 4 aims for pre-flight checks? Operational, servicable, accessible, stowed. 1 of 5 Who? Its the responsibilty of the cabin crew member designated at or near their station 2 of 5 Correct piece of equipment and the right quantity Available at/in each stowage area as designated on the portable equipment location diagrams. 3 of 5 In it's correct stowage If stowed in a bracket, bracket must be securely attached to the surface and the piece of equipment secured effectively. Must be a physical check 4 of 5 Security check Check stowage including under, behind and around each peice of equipment to ensure nothing has been hidden. 5 of 5