Pressure groups

What is a pressure group?
An organised interest group in which members hold similar beliefs and actively pursue ways to influence government
1 of 17
An example of a business PG?
American Business Conference
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An example of a agriculture PG?
National Farmers Union
3 of 17
An example of a union PG?
United Auto Workers
4 of 17
An example of a professional PG?
American Medical Association
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An example of a single issue PG?
National Rifle Association
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An example of a ideological PG?
American Conservative Union
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An example of a group rights PG?
National Organization for Women
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An example of a public interests PG?
Friends of the Earth
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What are the functions of PGs?
Representation, citizen participation, public education, agenda-building, programme monitoring
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What are the methods of PGs?
Electioneering and endorsement, lobbying, publicity, organising grassroots activities
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Why are PGs so politically significant?
The USA is a diverse and heterogeneous society, the political system has many access points, weakness of political parties means that citizens turn more to PGs
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How do PGs influence the House and the Senate?
Direct contact with members and staff, direct contact with committee members, organising constituents to write in, publicising voting records of members, endorsements, fundraising and campaigning, help raise money
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Which PG played an important role in the District of Columbia V Heller case in 2008?
National Rifle Association
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What are the arguments in favour of PGs?
Give information, policy formulators, a 'sounding board' for members of Congress and govt dept, enhancers of political participation
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What are the arguments against PGs?
Money becomes the deciding factor, PGs work for 'special interest' not 'national interest', elitist and unaccountable, inequalities of power, 'revolving door', 'direct action' not appropriate
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What factors lead to PGs success?
Effective organisation and leadership (NRA), wealth, large membership, status and effectiveness of the opposition, achievability of group's goal
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


An example of a business PG?


American Business Conference

Card 3


An example of a agriculture PG?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


An example of a union PG?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


An example of a professional PG?


Preview of the front of card 5
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