Primates 3 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyPrimatologyUniversityNone Created by: Elysia_DaviesCreated on: 19-05-17 16:27 When LRC high high ranking F will over produce daughters, Low ranking will overproduce sons 1 of 20 when LRC low high ranking F will over produce sons, Low ranking will overproduce daughters 2 of 20 LRC competition intensity Van Schaik and Hrdy, 1991 3 of 20 When isnt a proximate explanation for male biased sex ratio Increasing reproductive returns of male biased 4 of 20 not a r strategy precocial infants 5 of 20 not a K strategy large neonate liter size 6 of 20 not an r strategist long longevity 7 of 20 not a K strategist short lactations 8 of 20 Hobbes, 1651 cultures tames bad instincts, pessimism about nature, the state tames and scaffold bad inclinations 9 of 20 Rousseau, 1762 pessimism about culutre, "back to nature" 10 of 20 Lorenz, 1963 On aggressin book, instinct theory, animals/nature is better than humans, behaviour serves the good of the group 11 of 20 Goodall, 1971 Saw Lorenz' theory in the chimps 12 of 20 Lorenz hydraulic model of aggression aggression is an instinct, doesnt need a stimulus, without reason energy/drive is release 13 of 20 not lorenz's explanatios for why humans kill kiling conspecifics can increase RS 14 of 20 lorenz theory follows group selection theory 15 of 20 proponents of individual selection theory goodall and hrdy 16 of 20 chimp males killing other males, females and infants individual selection theory 17 of 20 calltrichidae killing daughters offsrping individual selection theory 18 of 20 polygynous langurs provisioned, unsynchronised, infanticide 19 of 20 polygynandrous unprovisioned, synchronised, no infanticide 20 of 20
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