When an object is placed on the mouth or cheek such as a ****** when breastfeeding. This occurs from Birth to 4 months.
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Tonic Neck Reflex
The head is turned to the side, the on that side will straighten and the other will bend. Present from one month of age and disappears around 4 months.
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Palmar Grasp Reflex
When an object stroke the palm of their hand, the fingers will close and they will grasp. However, the movements might be strong enough to hold their own body weight but can be very unpredictable and release suddenly.
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Walking Reflex
Present from birth but an infant cannot support their own body weight. The soles of their feet have to be flat on the floor and they try to walk (with being aided) by putting on foot in front of the other. This disappears after six weeks.
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Moro Reflex:
When a baby's head makes a sudden movement or tempature changes then they will extend their legs and head and the arms will be out stretched. After they will be bought back in and the hands clenched into fists accompanied with crying.
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Sucking reflex:
sucking anything that touched the roof of their mouth and stimulates the feeding. Two stages: Expression and Milking.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The head is turned to the side, the on that side will straighten and the other will bend. Present from one month of age and disappears around 4 months.
Tonic Neck Reflex
Card 3
When an object stroke the palm of their hand, the fingers will close and they will grasp. However, the movements might be strong enough to hold their own body weight but can be very unpredictable and release suddenly.
Card 4
Present from birth but an infant cannot support their own body weight. The soles of their feet have to be flat on the floor and they try to walk (with being aided) by putting on foot in front of the other. This disappears after six weeks.
Card 5
When a baby's head makes a sudden movement or tempature changes then they will extend their legs and head and the arms will be out stretched. After they will be bought back in and the hands clenched into fists accompanied with crying.
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