Intentional human action that results in suffering e.g. murder
1 of 25
What is natural evil ?
Causes of suffering within natural world e.g. disasters,death,decay etc
2 of 25
What does the logical problem of evil argue ?
The existence of God is incompatible with the existence of Evil (as God is omnipotent,omnibenevolent etc)
3 of 25
David Hume argues that only 2 of the 3 can exist, what is this ?
Omnipotence,Omnibenevolence, Evil
4 of 25
What is the inconsistent triad and who advocated it?
Epiricus argued that the propositions given by Hume were inconsistent and therefore they cannot be an all-loving and all powerful God
5 of 25
In Aquinas' Summa Theologica he suggested what ?
Gods existence in the face of evil is logically impossible
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What did Aquinas describe God as ?
Infinite goodness
7 of 25
What did Rowe argue in the evidential problem of evil?
If evil resulted in some "greater good" it can be justified
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What did Rowe suggest about evil being a greater good?
Not all evil is for greater good, God could have stopped intense suffering. Therefore he doesnt exist
9 of 25
What examples did Rowe use to back his argument
Little girl and fawn
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What is a theodicy ?
It means "justice of God", it seeks to explain the existence of evil at the same time to retain the 3 attributes of God
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In the Augustinian theodicy who is to blame for evil?
Adam and Eve
12 of 25
In Genesis it states ....
"God saw what he had made and it was very good"
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Augustine argues that God created the world good , evil is not a substance but rather...
A privation
14 of 25
What two stories are used in the Bible to explain the existence of evil ?
The Fall Of Man and The Fallen Angel
15 of 25
Augustine compared the privation of good too...
16 of 25
God has an external view of the world , everything therefore has a purpose. This is known as ???
Principle of Plentitude
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How does the analogy of Scorpions Poison link to the Principle of Plentitude?
The Scorpion is God and we are the victim, we feel the pain of the scorpions poison (evil) but we dont understand the consequence or outcome of it like God does
18 of 25
Why are we paying for the fall for man ?
We are seminally present in Adam as he was given free will
19 of 25
What is another world for privation of good?
Privato boni
20 of 25
What does Augustines Aesthetic Argument suggest?
It reminds us of Gods grace. Through Jesus resurrection it shows God is merciful as well as just
21 of 25
Who were the 3 developments of the Augustinian Theodicy?
22 of 25
Out of the 3 devleopments, who suggested that God could have created a better universe?
23 of 25
What did Leibniz argue?
Our world is the best possible world. "God put evil in the world so we could understand goodness"
24 of 25
What does Calvin argue?
Our actions are determined and predestined by God.Adam still committed sin regardless if it was predetermined or not.
25 of 25
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is natural evil ?
Causes of suffering within natural world e.g. disasters,death,decay etc
Card 3
What does the logical problem of evil argue ?
Card 4
David Hume argues that only 2 of the 3 can exist, what is this ?
Card 5
What is the inconsistent triad and who advocated it?
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