Problemes sociaux contemporains: RICHESSE ET PAUVRETE (2) 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchA2/A-levelAQA Created by: julietCreated on: 27-02-13 15:47 Damaged Abîmé 1 of 25 To be skint/poor Etre fauché 2 of 25 To make ends meet Arrondir ses fins de mois 3 of 25 To buy on credit Acheter à credit 4 of 25 A loan Un emprûnt 5 of 25 Precarious Précaire 6 of 25 To apply for a job Postuler pour un travail 7 of 25 To be poor Etre démuni 8 of 25 To accept one's fate Accepter son sort 9 of 25 A back up plan Le système D 10 of 25 A charity Une association caritative 11 of 25 Pension La retraitre 12 of 25 Infant mortality La mortalité infantile 13 of 25 The politicians/rulers Les dirigeants 14 of 25 To claim responsibility for Revendiquer 15 of 25 Unhealthy/dirty Insalubre 16 of 25 To rebel against S’insurger contre 17 of 25 Awful living conditions Des conditions de vie déplorables 18 of 25 To claim Réclamer 19 of 25 To count Dénombrer 20 of 25 Shelter Centre d’hébergement 21 of 25 Life expectancy Espérance de vie 22 of 25 To sleep on the floor Dormir à même le sol 23 of 25 Running water L’eau courante 24 of 25 A blanket Une couverture 25 of 25
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