Product Development Process
- Created by: Draconis ^.^
- Created on: 13-01-16 10:26
Other questions in this quiz
2. Which option descibes Commercialisation?
- Estimating Likely Selling Price, Sales Volume, Profitability, Break-Even Point, Return on Investment
- Launch Activities, Promotional Material Creation and Publication, Advertising, Distribution Pipeline, Critical Path Analysis
- Intellectual Property Issues, Product/Service Features, Benefits and Feasibility, Consumer Reaction, Production Cost-Effectiveness and Costs, Prospective Customer Liaison
- Estimation of Resources Required, Finalise Quality Management System, Resource Estimation, Operational Management Plan, Publish Technical Communications (Data Sheets, Specifications), Finalise Supplier Agreements, Finalise Logistics Plan
3. Which option describes Business Analysis?
- Estimating Likely Selling Price, Sales Volume, Profitability, Break-Even Point, Return on Investment
- Customer Reaction, Impact on Existing Portfolio, Value Analysis
- Intellectual Property Issues, Product/Service Features, Benefits and Feasibility, Consumer Reaction, Production Cost-Effectiveness and Costs, Prospective Customer Liaison
- Product Launch Activities, Advertising, Distribution Pipeline, Critical Path Analysis
4. Which option descibes Technical Implementation?
- Estimation of Resources Required, Finalise Quality Management System, Resource Estimation, Operational Management Plan, Publish Technical Communications (Data Sheets, Specifications), Finalise Supplier Agreements, Finalise Logistics Plan
- Estimating Likely Selling Price, Sales Volume, Profitability, Break-Even Point, Return on Investment
- Intellectual Property Issues, Product/Service Features, Benefits and Feasibility, Consumer Reaction, Production Cost-Effectiveness and Costs, Prospective Customer Liaison
- Product Launch Activities, Advertising, Distribution Pipeline, Critical Path Analysis
5. Which option describes Idea Screening?
- Elimination Unsound Concepts, Target Market (Size, Growth), Market Trends, Product/Service
- Intellectual Property Issues, Product Benefits and Features, Production Costs
- Estimating Likely Selling Prices, Sales Volume, Profitability and Breakeven
- SWOT Analysis, Market Research, Customer Feedback, Analysis of Competitor Offer, Brainstorming New Product Ideas
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