Product Liability 0.0 / 5 ? LawLaw of TortA2/A-levelAQA Created by: sheadley92Created on: 27-04-17 10:56 This is the Act that gives the rules for suing under product liability CONSUMERPROTECTIONACT 1 of 8 This means you do not have to prove fault to sue under product liability. STRICTLIABILITY 2 of 8 The object that harms needs to be this word. PRODUCT 3 of 8 The harm has to come from a _______ of the item in question. DEFECT 4 of 8 True or false; the loss has to be below £275 to be able to claim in product liability. FALSE 5 of 8 If you cannot sue under product liability, you should sue under this tort. NEGLIGENCE 6 of 8 What provision talks about claimant showing the product is not up to scratch!? SECTIONTHREE 7 of 8 What company was involved in the product liability case we need to know? MOTHERCARE 8 of 8
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