Promoting Quality Care Keywords and Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CarePromoting Quality Care Unit 1ASOCR Created by: kristianabarzCreated on: 11-05-17 12:03 Indirect Discrimination Practice, policy or rule that might affect one group more than others 1 of 9 Direct Discrimination Treated differently because of protected characteristics 2 of 9 Self-Advocacy The action of representing ones views or intrests 3 of 9 Victimisation Being treated badly as a reuslt of making a complaint 4 of 9 Empowerment Carer or self encouragment to allow a person to make infomred choices in their lives 5 of 9 Social Exclusion Being unable to participate fully in social activities or engage in civic life due to a barrier 6 of 9 Harassment A reperated conduct of behaviour that is unwanted and upsetting 7 of 9 Need to know basis restricting access to information to only those with a clear reason to have it 8 of 9 Primary socialisation The norms learnt from family 9 of 9
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