Properties of Materials 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsMaterialsASAQA Created by: PhysMathsChemCreated on: 19-02-17 11:37 The amount of matter in a particle mass 1 of 10 Deformation when the material returns to its original shape and size when the forces are removed elastic 2 of 10 For a cuboid - length x width x height volume 3 of 10 The point past which the material is permanently stretched elastic limit 4 of 10 The measure of stiffness of a material young modulus 5 of 10 In plastic deformation the material is ______ stretched. permanently 6 of 10 The units of strain none 7 of 10 Hooke's law ends at the limit of ______ proportionality 8 of 10 The word that describes a material that breaks before the elastic limit brittle 9 of 10 Force over area stress 10 of 10
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