Prose Techniques 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureProseA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: jazimskyCreated on: 19-11-19 20:31 omniscient outside, all knowing knowledge 1 of 8 over the shoulder narrator describes events as they unfold, no access to past or future 2 of 8 free indirect more subjective, narrator access to thoughts and feelings, blurred boundary between characters and narrator, stream of consciousness 3 of 8 analepsis flashing back to earlier point in story 4 of 8 prolepsis flashing forward to a moment later in the chronological sequence of events 5 of 8 protagonist leading character, hero 6 of 8 antagonist opposite to protagonist, brings conflict, instrumental in development of protagonist 7 of 8 anagnorisis moment a character makes a critical discovery 8 of 8
Example paragraph on context- Othello, Streetcar named desire and The Collector 4.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings
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