What happens to the Protein when it enters the body?
It is broken down by the body into amino acids. These are then made into new proteins.
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What are Essential Amino Acids?
These are the proteins needed for adults and children that the body can't make. There are 8 for aduts and 10 for children.
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What does HBV stand for and what does it mean? (Name some examples of HBV foods)
High Biological Value. Proteins contain all ten. E.g. meat, fish, eggs, milk and soya beans.
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What does LBV stand for and what does it mean? (Name some examples of LBV foods)
Low Biological Value. Proteins don't contain all ten but can get all from LBV if you eat a variety of LBV proteins regularly. E.g. Cereals, pulses and nuts.
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What foods for vegetarians are there which have protein in them?
Tofu, TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) and Quorn
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What is the consequence of protein deficiency?
Results in retared growth in children and wasting of muscles and internal organs
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