Contain an amino group (-NH2, N terminal), a carboxyl group (-COOH, C terminal), a hydrogen atom and an R group
1 of 10
Two amino acids bonded together by a peptide bond
2 of 10
Primary structure
The order of amino acids in a peptide chain
3 of 10
Secondary structure
The formation of hydrogen bonds creating alpha helixes and beta pleated sheets
4 of 10
Tertiary structure
The formation of a more complex, compact 3D structure maintained by hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, disulphide bonds and hydrophobic interactions
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Quaternary structure
The bonding of at least one polypeptide chain to another
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Globular proteins
Compact, folded, spherical, soluble in water e.g. haemoglobin
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Fibrous proteins
Long, thin molecules forming fibres. Insoluble in water. e.g. collagen
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Properties of collogen
Strong and tough. 3 identical polypeptide chains twisted around each other, linked by hydrogen bonds making the molecule very stable
9 of 10
Test for protein
The biuret test. Biuret reagent is added to a solution. A positive test shows a colour change from blue to purple. A colorimeter with a yellow filter or a biosensor is used to estimate the concentration of protein.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Two amino acids bonded together by a peptide bond
Card 3
The order of amino acids in a peptide chain
Card 4
The formation of hydrogen bonds creating alpha helixes and beta pleated sheets
Card 5
The formation of a more complex, compact 3D structure maintained by hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, disulphide bonds and hydrophobic interactions
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