Why was legitimacy an issue for the provisional government?
Comprised of members of the State duma who'd formed a Provisional Committee to demand for reform from the Tsar. Dominated by Octobrists and Kadets- minority following. Kerensky only radical representative
1 of 18
What rivals to political power did the provisional government face?
During the Feb Rev the workers, soldiers etc had united to form the Petrorad Soviet; by June this had developed into an All- Russian Soviet; they claimed the right to issue laws for Russia
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What did 'Order number 1' of the Petrograd Soviet demand and what effect did it have?
Required all officers to be elected by their own troops- undermined the authority of the officers- unpopular officers dismissed. It also stated that all military orders had to agreed by the Soviet- Soviet effectively had control of the army.
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How long did the Provisional Government and the All- Russian Soviet share power for?
June- October 1917
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Who was Kerensky and why was he a benefit?
July 1917 became the Prime Minister and head of the Provisional Government. Main link between the two governing bodies.
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Why was WW1 the biggest issue facing the Provisional Government?
By March 1917- lost territory in Poland and Western Russia. Millions killed, wounded or POW. Moral was low. Mutinies- aided the collapse of the Tsarist regime
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Why was revolution welcomed by the Allies?
Hoped it would make Russia more committed to the war. Tsar wasn't an obstacle any more.
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Why did the Allies want Russia to continue in the war?
Russia owed a lot in foreign loans- happy to continue if the continued to partake in war
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Why did the Provisional Government feel like they should continue in WW1?
Duty to stay in the war, Foreign minister believed Russia's future lay in Victory over Germany. Moral in armed forces improved- fighting for democracy
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Why did the boost in moral in the Armed Forces not last long after revolution?
Continued to suffer supply shortages. Economy continued to deteriorate.
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Why did the Provisional Government and All Russian Soviet have conflicting ideas about the continuation of WW1?
Soviet- would support the war but only to stop Germany taking over and crushing the revolution. Wouldn't support it for any other reason; gain land/ money etc. Provisional Government- aimed to gain territory
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What was the 'June Offensive'?
Attack against the Austro-Hungarian army. Began 16th June- for 2 days troops advanced. 18th June- counter attacks lead to mass desertion of Russian troops
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Why was mid- June the main point were the Russian army began to collapse?
One night elite units of the Eleventh army captured 12,000 deserters, troops fired on their own officers, engaged in looting
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What were the 'July days' and why were they triggered?
Series of riots and demonstrations in Petrograd due to the breakdown of the army undermining the authority of the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government didn't survive
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What kind of representation did the new Provisional Government have after the 'July Days'?
More radical- increased representation from the All- Russian Soviet
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What issues did the Provisional Government face in the countryside?
Provisional Government- little control of the countryside. Peasants took land from landowners, violent to landowners. June 1917 Provisional government had 700+ complaints about illegal attacks on property
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What were the returning soldiers doing to the land on their return?
assisted in land redistribution- no direction from the government
17 of 18
By summer 1917 how was the Russian countryside looking?
Chaos. Provisional government lacks ability to impose its authority and the army was in the process of disintegration
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What rivals to political power did the provisional government face?
During the Feb Rev the workers, soldiers etc had united to form the Petrorad Soviet; by June this had developed into an All- Russian Soviet; they claimed the right to issue laws for Russia
Card 3
What did 'Order number 1' of the Petrograd Soviet demand and what effect did it have?
Card 4
How long did the Provisional Government and the All- Russian Soviet share power for?
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