Name four the four factors that influence attitudes to eating?
Culture, Social learning, Mood and homosexuality
1 of 16
What is the 'acculturation effect'?
the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture
2 of 16
Which social class did Dornbusch said to have had a greater desire to be thin?
Higher class female American adolescents
3 of 16
What is body dissatisfaction?
Having negative feelings and thoughts about your body.
4 of 16
Who found that body dissatisfaction were more characteristic of white women?
Powell and Khan
5 of 16
However... What did Mumford in his study of ethnicity and bulimia?
Bulimia was greater amoung Asian school girls compared to their white peers.
6 of 16
Suggest one examples as to why the relationship between social class and eating behaviour isn't straight forward.
E.g some studies have shown that there is no link
7 of 16
Why do people comfort eat? What foods are they likely to eat and why?
To make themselves feel happy when they feel depressed. Comfort eaters are more likely to snack on foods like chocolate because it will give a rush of excitement due to the high amounts of sugar.
8 of 16
What is the difference between binge eating and comfort eating?
Binge eating is addictive and leaves you spending a lot of time thinking about whether you're hungry or not and what you want to eat next. Binge eaters consume huge amounts of food at once and cannot control their actions.
9 of 16
What did Wegner ask students to do in his study about binge eating and low moods?
He asked students to record their eating patterns and mood states, over two weeks.
10 of 16
In Garg's study, participants watching the sad film ate what percentage more of buttered popcorn than those watching an upbeat film?
11 of 16
True or false: Parker et al found that chocolate has an anti-depressant effect on people and can alleviate the negative mood?
False. What did he really find?
12 of 16
Which film reflects the French obsession with the pleasure of food?
Ratatouille :D
13 of 16
Who claimed that food functions differently in the minds and lives of people from different cultures?
14 of 16
Adults from which four countries completed a survey in Rozin's study?
Belgium, France, U.S.A and Japan
15 of 16
What is a problem with the studies you have learnt about today?
They come from a variety of groups which means they cannot be generalised from one group to another / They only concentrate on women's attitudes to eating behaviour
16 of 16
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the 'acculturation effect'?
the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture
Card 3
Which social class did Dornbusch said to have had a greater desire to be thin?
Card 4
What is body dissatisfaction?
Card 5
Who found that body dissatisfaction were more characteristic of white women?
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