PSYA3 - Research Studies 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationships, Aggression and Eating BehaviourA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Frances PlummerCreated on: 02-06-14 15:42 Relationship Formation Griffit and Guay (1969) | May and Hamilton (1980) | Dunbar (1995) 1 of 20 Relationship Maintenance - on 2013 paper Rusbault (1983) | Yum et al (2009) | Dainton (2003) 2 of 20 Relationship Breakdown Tashiro and Frazier (2003) | Lee (1984) 3 of 20 Sexual Selection Cartwright (2000) | Buss (1989) 4 of 20 Parental Investment Gross and Shine (1981) | Daly and Wilson (1988) 5 of 20 Influence of Culture - on 2013 paper Levine et al (1995) | Gupta and Singh (1952) 6 of 20 Influence of Childhood Kirkpatrick and Davis (1994) | Berenson and Andersen (2006) | Madsen (2001) | Bagwell et al (1996) 7 of 20 Social Learning Theory Bandura, Ross and Ross (1961) | Williams (1981) 8 of 20 Deindividuation Zimbardo (1970) | Malmuth and Check (1981) 9 of 20 Institutional Aggression Mills et al (1998) | Cheeseman (2003) | Milgram 10 of 20 Neural/Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression Mann et al (1990) | Couppis and Kennedy (2008) | Archer (1991) | McBurnett et al (2000) 11 of 20 Genetic Factors in Aggression - on 2013 paper Cases et al (1995) | Bock and Goode (1996) 12 of 20 Infidelity/Jealousy and Aggression Daly and Wilson (1988) | Buss et al (1999) 13 of 20 Group Display - on 2013 paper Morris (1981) | Lewis et al (2005) | Leunissen and Van Vugt (2010) | Palmer and Tilley (1995) 14 of 20 Food Attitudes and Eating Behaviour Gang et al (2007) | Wegner et al (2002) | Ball and Kenardy (2002) 15 of 20 Success/Failure of Dieting Wardle and Beales (1988) | Jeffery (2000) | Lowe et al (2004) | Bartlett (2003) 16 of 20 Neural Mechanisms and Eating Behaviour Hetherington and Ranson (1940) | Anad and Brobeck (1951) | Zhang et al (1994) 17 of 20 Evolutionary Explanation for Food Preference Desor et al (1973) | Steiner (1979) | Grill and Norgren (1978) 18 of 20 Psychological Explanations of AN - on 2013 paper Hoek et al (1998) | Becker et al (2002) | Bruch (1973) | Button and Warren (2001) | Halmi et al (2000) 19 of 20 Biological Explanations of AN - on 2013 paper ? 20 of 20
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