PSYA4 - Research Studies
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- Created by: XxScarletOwlxX
- Created on: 15-06-15 13:17
inter-reliability correlations in diagnosing schizophrenia are low
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pseudopatients - all but one admitted to hospital. 2nd time warned hospitals - 21% detection rate - none sent.
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Once labelled people fulfill that label, and those around them do the same
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2.1% African-Americans diagnosed, only 1.4% White Americans
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Cope & McGovern
mental hospitals in Birmingham - 1/3 white or asian, 2/3 African-Caribbean
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Social class bias - 0.4% upper class, 0.9% middle class, 1.9% working class
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Culture differences - same description of patient given to US & British psychologists. 69% diagnosed in US, 2% diagnosed in UK.
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reviewed 40 twin studies - MZ twins 48% chance of both, DZ 17%
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MZ twins raised in different families 50% concordance
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dopamine guides attention - may cause disruption in attention/perception
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low level of dopamine in Parkinson's, L-dopa increases this, causes SZ symptoms
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Johnstone et al
compared ventricle in SZs and non-SZs, SZ were larger (SZ may be linked to brain tissue loss)
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SZ 15% bigger ventricles than non-SZ
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Bornstein et al
SZ with large ventricles display more negative than positive symptoms
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Copolov and Crook
meta-analysis of 90 CT scans, overlap in SZ and non-SZ size of ventricles
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SZ result of regression to pre-ego stage attempts to re-establish ego control - defensive mechanism caused by overwhelming anxiety
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SZ lose contact with reality to cope with social pressure
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schizophrenogenic mothers are rejecting, overprotective, dominant and moralistic - causes SZ
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Oltmanns et al
parents of SZ behave different to other patients parents
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Meyer-Lindenberg et al
link between excess dopamine in pre-frontal cortex and working memory
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Brown and Birley
prior to SZ episodes - 50% stressful life event 3 weeks prior - 12% 9 weeks prior
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Falloon et al
high levels of physiological arousal associated with neurotransmitter levels thought to be involved in SZ
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Os et al
reported no link in life events on onset of SZ
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Tienari et al
adopted children with SZ bio parents were more likely to develop SZ than those with non-SZ parents. This only happened if adopted family was disturbed
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Bateson et al
double-bind theory - children who recieve contradictory messages from parents are more likely to develop SZ. Child is wrong either way
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SZ report higher recall of double-bind be their mothers than non-SZ
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Linszen et al
patient returning to high expressed emotion house is 4x more likely to relapse
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Hogarty et al
therapy where high expressed emotion taught to reduce this EE reduces relapse rates
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social groups construct rules for groups to follow, symptoms of SZ deviate from these rules
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label applied causes self-fulfilling prophecy promoting symptom development
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reviewed 18 studies with labelling in, found 13 were consistent
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30% of treated with conventional antipsychotics develop tardive dyskinesia - 75% irreversible
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Ross & Read
taking drugs reduces their motivation to reduce own suffering
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Davis et al
29 studies (conventional drug) - relapse rates 55% in drug replaced by placebo, 11% when continued on drugs
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Vaughn & Leff
Conventional drugs only have a significant difference in a hostile home
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Kapur & Remington
suggest A-typical drugs only invlove dopamine and D2 receptors
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Jeste et al
tardive dyskinesia rates after 9 months - 30% conventional, 5% a-typical
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Leucht et al
atypical only slightly more effective than conventional - only slightly more effective at treating negative symptoms
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Tharyan & Adams
reviewed 26 studies - more people improved using ECT than placebo and 'sham' ECT
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decline between 1979-1999 was 59% in ECT treatments for SZ - due to memory dysfunction, brain damage and even death
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American Psychiatric Review
19 studies - ECT produced results no different to antipsychotic medication
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Sarita et al
no symptom reduction between 36 SZ given ECT or simulated ECT
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Drury et al
reduction of positive, 25-50% reduction in recovery time for patients given a combination of medication and CBT
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Kuipers et al
reported same as Drury but also claimed lower drop-out rate
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Gould et al
7 studies reported significant decrease in positive after CBT
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Kingdon & Kirschen
many SZ patients not deemed suitable for CBT
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SZ patients can't be psychoanalysed as they can't form transference - emotions associated with one person transferred to another
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Malmberg & Fenton
say it's impossible to draw conclusions on effectiveness of psychoanalysis
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argued some forms of psychoanalysis are harmful for SZ patients
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37 studies - psychoanalysis is an effective treatment
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better outcome when psychoanalysis combined with drugs than alone, drugs better than therapy
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psychoanalysis improved more than just drugs
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recommeds psychoanalysis as it's appropriate with drugs
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Karon & VandenBos
psychoanalysis - less likely to seek inpatient treatment and more likely to gain employment suggesting cost decreases
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features of anomalous research to suggest it's a pseudoscience - irrefutable hypothesis, lacks carefully controlled evidence, not reliable, published in papers
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reported 12+ researchers in lab behaved dishonestly to gain positive results
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watched Sargent do Ganzfeld and said he was suspicious
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Uri Geller
bends spoons, James Randi said he was fraud doing magic tricks
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suggests many noted scientists have invented findings or twisted them
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developed Ganzfeld technique - Ps relaxed so receptive to psi. 28 studies - 38% success rate (25% due to chance).
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reanalysed data and concluded no evidence of psi from Ganzfeld
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Hyman & Honorton
created autoganzfeld which is more controlled.
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11 autoganzfeld studies - 34% success rate
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Milton & Wiseman
30 ganzfeld studies - no significant effects shown
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Ganzfeld has subjective interpretation
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Sheep-goat effect - goats score negatively on ganzfeld for psi
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argues assumption that psi explains significant results but it may be due to something else
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claimed people feel self-conscious about macro-PK abilities - did fake levitation to boost confidence, large displays of levitation from Ps afterwards
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most people possess macro-PK abilities but need to prevent interference from conscious mind
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2 magicians fooled scientists for 4 years (160 hrs) - project alpha
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Wiseman & Greening
video of spoon bending - 1 condition person said continued to bend - Ps more likely to report bending continuing in this condition
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Use random event generator (REG) to investigate micro-PK - coin flipper
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Jahn et al
12 year programme with REG - combined scores above chance - two people with relationship scored higher
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uses internet - Ps asked to influence split beam laser - higher in that group than control
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scientists require higher proof than the weak effects that are shown
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analysed paranormal studies - steady decline in effect size (micro-PK) if real effect would increase over time as variables can be identified and controlled
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Wiseman & Watt
suggest that these four cognitive explanations underlie paranormal experience - general cognitive ability, finding links between distantly related materials, probability misjudgements, fantasy proneness
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found believers have significantly lower levels of academic performance than sceptics
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Jones et al
hasn't confirmed cognitive ability association with paranormal belief in all studies, some find the opposite
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survey of 1500 new scientist reader, likely intelligent - 67% regarded ESP as fact or likely possibility.
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Brugger et al
believers and non-believers shown real & scrambled faces - believers more likely to see face when there wasn't one
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believer more creative than non-believers and may be able to detect meaningful connections
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Brugger et al
believers underestimate statistical likelihood on probability judgement tasks
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Musch and Ehrenberg
controlled differences in general cognitive ability and found it reduced the difference in proability judgement between believers and non-believers to zero
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Dixon et al
found a link between belief and mental imagination (fantasy proneness)
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Wiseman et al
mock seance where table pretended to levitate - more believers reported that it moved - fantasy proneness
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Russell and Jones
paranormal beliefs may satisfy a psychological need
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Williams et al
positive relationship between neuroticism and paranormal beliefs
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Tobacyk & Mitchell
belief in paranormal due to narcissism
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Andrews and Lester
links have not been found between depression and bipolar disorder to paranormal
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Bentall et al
paranormal belief has similar symptoms to schizophrenia
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Irwin and Green
link between paranormal belief and schizotypy in cognitive perceptual domain
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Honorton et al
meta-analysis of 60 studies - positive correlation between ESP and extraversion
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Allen and Lester
correlation between external locus of control and paranormal belief
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Tobacyk et al
relationship between paranormal belief and locus of control depends on the type of paranormal belief
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some forms of psi correlate positively with external locus of control, some correlate negatively
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Davies and Kirkby
positive correlation between internality and belief in psi
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Pizzagalli et al
right hemisphere over-activation in believers more than non-believers
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Wiseman and Watt
right hemisphere activity associated with processing links between distantly related material
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Brugger et al
evidence that high levels of dopamine cause paranormal belief - faces experiment, gave L-dopa to non-believer and they gave the same results as believer
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Palmer et al
findings of Brugger have not been replicated on dopamine effect
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Koenig et al
identical twins more likely to have the same religious views as non-identical
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Bouchard et al
found religious belief is related to belief in the paranormal
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students reported more negative than positive paranormal experiences
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Watt et al
significant association between childhood experiences and the tendancy to hold paranormal beliefs
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French and Kerman
children with a history of child abuse - correlation between childhood trauma, fantasy proneness and paranormal belief
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Israel attacked by missiles - rise in superstitious belief
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Wiseman and Watt
mistaken to see some paranormal beliefs as pathological
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function of fundamentalist religion is to bolster deeply insecure and fearful people
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religion is response to deep emotional conflicts as they let us feel a sense of control
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credulity is adaptive at young age to avoid dangerous situations
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Beck and Miller
found no relationship between paranormal beliefs and religiosity
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science is like a religion as it's something that people believe in
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Science isn't a matter of faith and needs evidence
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Bloch and Wilson
argue religion is adaptive as people who are religious have greater self control
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religion isn't adaptive but is a by-product of other mental faculties
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humans evolved the ability to imagine things that don't physically exist leading to people uniting as groups
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religious behaviour evolved as it links humans into successful groups to give a competitive advantage
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Wilson and Wilson
showed natural selection happens at all levels of biological hierarchy, adaptive behaviours will be selected
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the opium of people - organised religion is a social institution created to maintain a culture
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important to distinguish between function of paranormal beliefs for believers and the function for those in power
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deception involves manipulative tricks to change how individuals view decievers
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identifies the tricks magicians do to mask deception such as emphasising their honesty
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argues some deception is harmful as it can lead to losing money, committing suicide etc
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superstitions develop through operant conditioning - pigeons
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Foster and Kokko
adaptive advantage will persist as long as occasionally correct response has a large adaptive benefit
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Beck and Forstmeier
Type 1 errors are tolerated in order to avoid type 2
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Staddon and Simmelhag
repeated Skinner's study and observed similar ritual behaviours but these weren't linked with the food reward
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confirmed that the superstitious behaviours were due accidental reinforcement
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Whitson and Galinsky
people who had a reduced sense of control were more likely to develop superstitions
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person consiously believes one thing while unconsciously believing another - capable of self-deception
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suggests self-deception co-evolved with deception
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suggests self-deception may be a positive aspect of human behaviour as facing the truth may be depressing
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Ayeroff and Abelson
believers show greater illusion of control
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Kahneman and Tversky
people use various heuristics to solve problems - this could cause probability misjudgement
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Whitson & Galinsky
reduced control led Ps to detect patterns where there were none and form correlations between unrelated events
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Solfvin et al
psychic healing is a popular treatment and has been taught to 10000 nurses in the US alone
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wounded Ps were treated with either therapeutic touch or no treatment - didn't know the condition they were in - Ps with TT healed faster
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Wirth et al
failed to replicate his research on wound healing
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Solfvin et al
failed to get in contact with Wirth to discuss his research
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Cha et al
effect or prayer on infertile women - 2x the women prayed for fell pregnant compared with those that weren't paid for
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Lyvers et al
20 Ps suffering back pain - control & treatment group - all Ps told psychic healer focused on them but he only focused on control - no evidence for psychic healing but believers more likely to believe they had healing benefits
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Rosa et al
21 TT practitioners - sat on one side of screen with hands through two holes in - experiment place hand 4 inches above either hand - only correct 44% of the time (less than chance)
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the experiment by Rosa was invalid because the psychologist wasn't ill and this would have effected their aura
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Glickman and Gracely
designed a study which eliminated body heat and the results were at chance level - Rosa study format
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Keen et al
results of 500 experiments - objects materialised and flew about room, voices - proffesional magician couldn't find evidence of fraud
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Schwartz et al
five mediums - two women were sitters - mediums couldn't see sitter and sitter could only answer yes or no - women judged accuracy at 83% and 77%. College judges accuracy at 36%
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Wiseman and O'Keefe
Cold reader starts with some general statements (barnum) and the responses can be used later to convince listeners of psychic's abilities
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Wiseman et al
mock seance - Ps knew it was fake, believrs still taken in by events
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O'Keeffe and Wiseman
5 mediums give reading to 5 sitters - each sitter read 25 readings & rated personal relevance - rating lowest on the ones written for them
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reports many sitters are aware of barnum statement but still remain convinced
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studied 400 accounts of OBEs - developed classification on different types of OBE. 20% of accounts person experiences another body.
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Holden et al
some research is conducted on artificially-induced OBEs and some researchers don't regard these as equivalent to natural OBEs
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reviewed lab studies with induced OBEs
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Ps asked to identify objects out of site of physical body. 1 person could recall a five digit number in another room
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no discernible difference in physiological ativity that accompanies OBEs
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Blanke et al
induce OBEs accidentally by stimulating temporal-parietal junction in women who suffered epilepsy. Did this on normal subjects same results
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Ketamin can produce classic symptoms of NDEs
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Lommell et al
344 cardiac survivors over 8 years, those who had an NDE regarded it as life-changing
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endorphins released at the time of pain or stress lead to feeling of euphoria and detachment
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Proposed hypothetico-deductive model - suggests theories/laws about world should come first and these should be used to form falsifiable hypothesis'
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Says psychologists who attempt to be scientists are doing no more than dressing up
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Claimed psychology can't be a science as there isn't a single shared set of assumptions
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argued it's not possible to measure a subatomic particle without altering its behaviour in doing the measurement
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peer review is slow, expensive, profligate of academic time, highly subjective, prone to bias, easily abused, poor at detecting gross defect and fraud
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believed peer review only discovered the acceptibility and not the validity of a new finding
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discrimination on the basis of species is no different to racial or gender discrimination
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claims there are no circumstances under which animal research is acceptable
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Russel and Birch
the 3 Rs on animal research - reduction, replacement and refinement
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
pseudopatients - all but one admitted to hospital. 2nd time warned hospitals - 21% detection rate - none sent.
Card 3
Once labelled people fulfill that label, and those around them do the same
Card 4
2.1% African-Americans diagnosed, only 1.4% White Americans
Card 5
mental hospitals in Birmingham - 1/3 white or asian, 2/3 African-Caribbean
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