psychodynamic approach
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- Created by: bronte horne 1
- Created on: 29-04-21 17:20
What are the three assumptions within the Approach?
-The Tripartite personality
-The unconscious mind
- Influence of Childhood experiences
-The unconscious mind
- Influence of Childhood experiences
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Explain the Tripartite Personality assumption.
Freud believed that the personality is split into 3 parts which develop through the process of maturation.
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What are the three personality splits?
-There is the Inborn id and this seeks gratification and satisfaction at any cost (pleasure principle)
-The ego and this is the rational part of the mind and develops around the age of 2, Balance the rolls of the id in the socially acceptable way.
-The ego and this is the rational part of the mind and develops around the age of 2, Balance the rolls of the id in the socially acceptable way.
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Explain what The Unconscious Mind is?
The mind is likened to an ice berg and this is where much of what goes on is beneath the surface.
Freud describes a struggle between two conflicting drives that directly affect behaviour, EROS and THANATOS.
Freud describes a struggle between two conflicting drives that directly affect behaviour, EROS and THANATOS.
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What is EROS?
EROS determines behaviours that seek sexual gratification,love and companionship.
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Is the instinct that leads to self destructive, violent and aggressive behaviours.
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What is the Unconscious related to and what can it lead to?
It is related to ego defence mechanisms (e.g repression) which lead to abnormal behaviour associated with psychiatric illnesses when overused.
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Explain the assumption Influence Of Childhood Experiences?
Adult Behaviour is influenced by childhood experiences during the psychosexual stages and this determines what kind of personality s/he develops in adulthood.
-If a child experiences a fixation in any stage characteristic of specific behaviour will becom
-If a child experiences a fixation in any stage characteristic of specific behaviour will becom
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What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
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Give an example of the psychosexual stage and how it can effect the person.
Frustration in the anal stage (caused by harsh potty training) can lead to stingy precise and orderly behaviour.
However// Overindulgence in the oral stage can lead to optimistic, gullible and trusting characteristics.
However// Overindulgence in the oral stage can lead to optimistic, gullible and trusting characteristics.
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What can Psychiatric illness be caused by?
Overuse of ego defence mechanisms such as repression, or destructive behaviours that come from unconscious drives associated with THANTOS.
Moreover,Freud believed that in order to understand the root cause of Psychosis we should analyse dreams as they ar
Moreover,Freud believed that in order to understand the root cause of Psychosis we should analyse dreams as they ar
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What are Dreams symbolic of?
-They are symbolic of unfulfilled wishes and desires created by the id , which may be routed in the childhood experiences of the dreamer.
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What are Primary-process thoughts?
It is the unconscious, irrational and instinct driven
part of personality is the source of wishes and fantasies.
part of personality is the source of wishes and fantasies.
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Why are wishes repressed?
They are repressed and disguised in dreams as they are unacceptable to adult conscious thought.
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What does dream analysis aim to do?
Aims to make these unconscious desires and wishes conscious again so that they can be resolved by undoing the process of dream work.
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how is dream analysis not effective?
-Many of Freud's own cases (e.g. wolfman) were unsuccessful in curing patients, suggesting dream analysis is ineffective.
-Difficult to measure the success of dream analysis as it is used as part wider therapeutic process.
-Difficult to measure the success of dream analysis as it is used as part wider therapeutic process.
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How is the analysis effective?
-70.4% of patients benefit from working on their dreams as part of psychoanalysis.
-Dream analysis can aid the clients insight and level of involvement/commitment to the therapy increasing likeliness of efficacy.
-Dream analysis can aid the clients insight and level of involvement/commitment to the therapy increasing likeliness of efficacy.
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What are the ethical considerations with Dream Analysis?
-Patients therapist relationships can become blurred.
-Psychological harm, revealing repressed experiences could cause risks of stress, anxiety and humiliation.
-Psychological harm, revealing repressed experiences could cause risks of stress, anxiety and humiliation.
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What are positives about the psychodynamic assumption?
-Individual differences are accounted for Fred takes and ideographic approach.
-Practical applications- Psychoanalysis can be used when other approaches/therapies have been unsuccessful in resolving disorders like PTSD.
-Practical applications- Psychoanalysis can be used when other approaches/therapies have been unsuccessful in resolving disorders like PTSD.
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What are the negatives about the psychodynamic?
-Unscientific: based on case study methods which have limited reliability.
-Deterministic: Suggests you have no free will over your childhood experiences or unconscious mind; treatment relies on a skilled therapists.
-Generalizability: Cases to support Fr
-Deterministic: Suggests you have no free will over your childhood experiences or unconscious mind; treatment relies on a skilled therapists.
-Generalizability: Cases to support Fr
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What does the Dream analysis contain?
- Involves the psychotherapist asking the client to describe their dreams in detail.
-The person discusses each element of the dream and express any thoughts that come t them whilst doing so even if the thoughts seem unimportant or irrelevant.
-The person discusses each element of the dream and express any thoughts that come t them whilst doing so even if the thoughts seem unimportant or irrelevant.
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What is the therapists role?
-Therapists role to work out the underlying meaning of the dream and this is done by undoing/reversing he process of the 'dreamwork' which transformed the forbidden wish into non threatening for and created the manifest content of the dream.
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What are the five steps that dream analysis involves?
-secondary elaboration.
-secondary elaboration.
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How must the therapist undo the steps of dream work?
-Discussing the dream in realtion to the client's background and childhood experiences.
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How does this help the patient?
It will help the client see how the repressed conflicts in the unconscious mind are related too the context of the person's life.
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What will the client gain at the end?
The client gains insight into these issues, they should experience catharsis: the conflicts should resolved and the problems the client came to the therapist with should go away.
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How does the psychodynamic approach link to relationships?
- John Bowlby's classic study 44 thieves. Formed the view that early unhealthy experiences shaped behavior of some children.
- e.g. Bowlby found young thieves have an affectionless character where they have an inability to show affection or concerns for o
- e.g. Bowlby found young thieves have an affectionless character where they have an inability to show affection or concerns for o
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What is the maternal deprivation hypothesis?
The view that the ability to from meaningful social relationships in adulthood was dependent on a close, warm continuous relationships with the mother in the first few years of ones life.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Explain the Tripartite Personality assumption.
Freud believed that the personality is split into 3 parts which develop through the process of maturation.
Card 3
What are the three personality splits?
Card 4
Explain what The Unconscious Mind is?
Card 5
What is EROS?
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