psychodynamic approach 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyASWJEC Created by: Hazel McKayCreated on: 13-12-12 10:00 the substitution of one person or object for another displacement 1 of 14 a personality characteristic which results from fixation in the oral stage gullibility 2 of 14 the final stage of psychosexual development genital 3 of 14 Freud's first name Sigmund 4 of 14 the name Anna O gave to psychoanalytic treatment talking cure 5 of 14 A patient who had obsessive compulsive disorder Rat Man 6 of 14 the disorder that many of Freud's patients suffered from hysteria 7 of 14 the use of one object to represent another symbolisation 8 of 14 the part of our mind of which we are aware conscious 9 of 14 a child who feared horses Little Hans 10 of 14 a method used by the psychodynamic approach clinical interviews 11 of 14 the dream that we can remember manifest 12 of 14 a problem with case study method is that it is... subjective 13 of 14 a problem with clinical interviews researcher bias 14 of 14
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