This suggests that any difference or effects from the study occur by chance and not because of the variable that you have manipulated or the sample you have down.
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What is a Directional Hyphotheses?
This is also refered to as a one failed test. Example of this is: 'Girls will do better in exams then boys'
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What is a Non Directional Hyphotheses?
This is referred to as a two failed test. Eg. There will be difference between the girls and boys results in the exam
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What is Operational Hypothesis?
This is how often it can be measured
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What is Experimental Reseach method?
Where researcher attempts to control all variables other then the IV and DV to identify a cuase and effect relationship.
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What is a Hypothesis?
Presice testable statement about the effects of the IV on the DV
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What is an Indepenedent Variable?
Variable that the researcher changes to see its effect on the DV
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What is a Dependent Variable?
The researcher measures to see if the IV has affected the expreiment
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What are the conditions of and experiment?
An experiment is usually organised so that there are two trials after which the performance of the participants are compared. These are the conditions of the experiment
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What is an extraneous variable?
Is a variable that is not the IV but might effect the DV if it is not controlled
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What is the definition of experimental design?
How participants are used in an experiment, how they are allocated to the conditions. There are 3 types: 1) Independent Groups 2)Repeated Measures 3) Matched Pair
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What is Qualitive Research?
Gathers Non numerical information words. Focuses on expierance and feelings. Open ended questions e.g 'What is your expierances of anaylisis: Usually Summarieses. It is very Subjective as it is open to interpretation
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What is Quantitive Research?
Gathering numerical data-Numbers. The researcher assigns numerical value. Always involves measuring in some way e.g. 'how many times ....' This research is statistically anaylised and is not open to interpretation
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Card 2
What is a Directional Hyphotheses?
This is also refered to as a one failed test. Example of this is: 'Girls will do better in exams then boys'
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