Psychological explanations of depression AO1 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyDepressionA2/A-levelAQA Created by: RoisinCreated on: 12-03-16 18:03 Where does the psychodynamic explanation suggest depression comes from unconscious 1 of 12 what is excessive and irrational grief a reaction to loss 2 of 12 what becomes dominant superego 3 of 12 where does loss originate from loss of parental affection 4 of 12 what ego defence mechanism is associated with depression regression 5 of 12 which psychologist came up with the cognitive explanation of depression beck 6 of 12 what is a negative outlook a product of negative cognitive triad 7 of 12 misinterpreting facts in a negative way negative bias 8 of 12 the tendency to distort or exaggerate problems and their causes errors in logic 9 of 12 all or nothing thinking cognitive distortion 10 of 12 what is triggered from childhood (cognitive) negative schema 11 of 12 what does the negative schema stimulate negative automatic thoughts 12 of 12
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