Psychological approaches to abnormalities 4.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? PsychologyAbnormalityASAQA Created by: Anna BlumireCreated on: 19-05-14 13:16 What three approaches are considered psychological approaches? Psychodynamic, behavioural and cognitive 1 of 8 The id, ego and superego are associated with which approach? Psychodynamic 2 of 8 Who developed the ABC model? Albert Ellis 3 of 8 What are the two types of conditioning? Classical and operant 4 of 8 Who developed the psychodynamic approach? Sigmund Freud 5 of 8 What are the psychosexual stages? Oral, anal, phallic and latency period 6 of 8 The cognitive approach focuses on which disorders? Depression and anxiety disorders 7 of 8 What is operant conditioning? Learning behaviours through positive and negative reinforcement 8 of 8
Psychology 12 mark questions for Social Influence, Stress and Abnormality (individual differences) 4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings