What are the 2 things which make up the definition of motivation?
Direction of behaviour and intensity of behaviour (amount of effort put in)
1 of 14
What are 2 differing approaches to motivation?
Trait centred view and situation centred view
2 of 14
What personal factors make up the trait centred view of motivation?
Personality, needs, interests, goals
3 of 14
What situatinal factors amke up the situuational view of motivation?
Coaches style, win-loss record, facilities ect
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What are the 3 types of motivation?
Amotivation, intrinsic, extrinsic
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What is amotivation?
The absence of motivation- no link between actions and outcomes
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Why does amotivation occur?
Due to not valuing an activity, not feeling commpetent enough to do the activity, not beleiving the outcome will be worth it
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What is intrinsic motivation?
Performing an activity for the activity itself ad the pleasure and satisfaction which arises from completing it
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Where is a persons focus if they are intrinsically motivated?
On the process; knowledge and self-accomplishment
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What is extrinsic motivation?
Engaging in an activity not for the activity itself but for the outcome, focus is on the end result
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What is the general point of the self determination theory?
Based on the principle that all humans have an innate tendency to want to grow psychologically, looks at how cultural and social conexts impact an individual
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What sub theories is the self determination theory?
Basic needs, cognative evaluation, organismic integration theory, causality orientation theory and goal contents theory
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What are the 3 basic needs according to the basic needs theory?
Competence (feeling good at what you do), Autonomy (feeling in control) and relatedness (connected to others)
13 of 14
What does the cognative evaluation theory tell us?
How social contexts can cause variability in intrinsic motivation through choice, challenges, deadlines ect
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are 2 differing approaches to motivation?
Trait centred view and situation centred view
Card 3
What personal factors make up the trait centred view of motivation?
Card 4
What situatinal factors amke up the situuational view of motivation?
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