Psychology - Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyStereotyping, discrimination and prejudiceGCSENone Created by: ElizabethSnCreated on: 30-05-17 12:09 Stereotype A generalised and shared belief about the characteristics of those who belong to a particular social group 1 of 12 Prejudice An attitude (usually negative) towards a particular group based on assumptions 2 of 12 Discrimination Treating people in a particular way, based on their membership to that group 3 of 12 Authoritarian Personality Hostile, rigid beliefs, hate uncertainty, hold traditional views 4 of 12 Competition for resources Receiving a reward if one group is negative to the other 5 of 12 In groups The group you belong to and have things in common with/ share the same interests 6 of 12 Out groups The group you have nothing in common with, you don't share any interests so don't belong to it 7 of 12 Social identity theory Sense of belonging to the world around you 8 of 12 Co-operation Working together to achieve an end goal 9 of 12 Jigsaw method Making students depend on each other in order to succeed 10 of 12 Empathy Putting yourself in someone else's position and relating to their feelings 11 of 12 Contact Seeing, speaking to or spending time with others 12 of 12
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