Psychology Unit 2- Aggression 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAggressionGCSEAQA Created by: GraceRobinsonCreated on: 04-04-16 11:06 Define Aggression behaviour that is intended to harm or hurt another individual either physically or verbally, or is intended to destroy property.. 1 of 26 Define anger a feeling of aggression 2 of 26 Define violence a physical or verbal act on aggression 3 of 26 Define the biological approach of aggression people were born aggressive due to hormones, brain disease and chromosomal abnormality 4 of 26 Define how hormones are linked to aggression high levels of aggression is linked to high levels of a certain hormones such as testosterone. 5 of 26 Define how chromosomal abnormality has an affect on aggression some males have an extra Y chromosome on the 23rd pair, called XYY syndrome. 6 of 26 Define how brain disease has an affect on aggression some aggression can stem of brain disease or damage e.g.- damage to the limbic system especially the amygdala. 7 of 26 What did the psychodynamic theory believe about aggression believes that aggression is innate and is caused by internal factors of Thanatos ' the death drive ' 8 of 26 Define Id the id is split into eros and Thanatos (impulsive+unconscious which responds directly and immediately to the instincts. 9 of 26 Define Ego conscious part of the personality where it balances the id+superego, its part of the decision making components of personality 10 of 26 Define Superego develops from morality (learn right from wrong) its function is to control the Id's compulses 11 of 26 Define the frustration-aggression hypothesis our aggressive instinct and frustration is triggered by something 12 of 26 What does the social learning theory believe about aggression suggests that aggression is a learnt behaviour through imitation, modelling, observation and vicarious reinforcement 13 of 26 Define modelling imitating the action of someone who provides an example of how to behave in certain situations 14 of 26 Define punishment in the social learning theory an action that weakens the behaviour because its unpleasant 15 of 26 Define monitoring in the social learning theory we are judging whether our own behaviour is appropriate or not 16 of 26 Define the limbic system a complex system of nerves in the brain involved with the mood 17 of 26 Define eros life instinct (sex,food+pleasure) 18 of 26 Define thanatos the 'death drive' (thrill seeking, risky and a self destructive behaviour) 19 of 26 Example of a case study where someone had a brain disease Charles Whitman 20 of 26 Define displacement being aggressive to other people 21 of 26 Define sublimation channelling the energy into acceptable activities like rugby or boxing 22 of 26 Define a scapegoat who you take your frustration out on a 'safe' person 23 of 26 How to reduce aggression biologically drugs or psychosurgery 24 of 26 How to reduce aggression through the psychodynamic theory sublimnation (putting aggressive energy into sport) or catharsis (watching violence on TV) 25 of 26 How to reduce aggression through the social learning theory by observing models who are behaving in non aggressive ways 26 of 26
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