Loc = Refers to the four lobes and their seperate functions Lat= Refers to the two hemispheres and functions that are specific to each one
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Left Hemisphere
Is the language centre of the brain. Controls the right hand. Receives information from the right visual field.
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RIght hemisphere
Focuses on visuo-spatial task. Controls the left hand. Receives information from the left visual field.
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Corpus Callosum
Middle part of the brain where the nerves cross over connecting the two hemispheres
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Neurotransmission + Synapse + Reuptake
Method by whuch messages are sent + gap between each Neuron + When neurotransmitters are either broken down or reabsorbed
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Acetycholine + Serotonin
Increases memory + Arousal levels and emotion
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Released from the Adrenal glands - causing the flight of fight + arousal
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Released from the Pineal - causing regulation of sleep
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Ability to rearrange the connections between its neurons - Happens as a result of the learning experience
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Dentritic Branching
Everytime we learn something new , the neurons connect to create a new trace in the brain. Dentrites of the neurons grown in numbers and connect with other neurons.
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Measures brain waves.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Is the language centre of the brain. Controls the right hand. Receives information from the right visual field.
Left Hemisphere
Card 3
Focuses on visuo-spatial task. Controls the left hand. Receives information from the left visual field.
Card 4
Middle part of the brain where the nerves cross over connecting the two hemispheres
Card 5
Method by whuch messages are sent + gap between each Neuron + When neurotransmitters are either broken down or reabsorbed
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