Psychology - attachment quick quiz 2 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAttachmentASAQA Created by: amy.octaviaCreated on: 14-04-15 20:43 Bowlby claims that attachments are? Instinctive behaviour for infants and caregivers 1 of 9 Bowlby claims that attachment takes place in the.....? Sensitive years 2 of 9 In Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory, attachments are formed through? Natural selection, infants are an investment for the caregiver, and will carry on their line of family. 3 of 9 Bowlby states that attachments provide infants with....? An internal working model for future attachments 4 of 9 Bowlby's theory is loosely based on...? Lorenz and his "imprinting" 5 of 9 To study attachment across a culture, psychologists use? Cross-cultural studies 6 of 9 Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenburg carried out a meta-analysis of results of 32 studies in 8 countries on attachment using? Ainsworth's Strange Situation Study 7 of 9 The Learning Theory of Attachment is supported by a study carried out by...? Skinner, animals repeat behaviour if rewarded & Pavlov, dogs associated bell with food 8 of 9 Ainsworth conducted a study in Uganda which showed attachment in different cultures is? Formed at a similar age across all cultures 9 of 9
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