psychology year 11 topic 0.0 / 5 ? Psychologythe selfGCSEOCR Created by: Rach humphreys 16Created on: 31-03-15 15:54 what is meant by the word unique? a one-off, which is not repeated;individual 1 of 8 free will is the ability to do what? make your own decisions, uninfluenced by other factors 2 of 8 what is the term self concept? a persons view of thier actual self 3 of 8 when is self concept developed? it begins early one between the ages of 1 and 2. it is how we percieve ourselves and how others reflect back to us 4 of 8 ideal self is described as... a person that an individual would like to be 5 of 8 how much we value ourselves is described as... self esteem. the ideal self determines the persons self esteem 6 of 8 unconditional positive regard this can raise peoples self esteem, and it means that doesnt matter what someone has done you will love and care for them the same amount. 7 of 8 self actualisation this is an unborn drive to fulfil our best potential,(achieving your ideal self) 8 of 8
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