Psychopathy 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyNeuroscienceUniversityAll boards Created by: Annabel ForsdykeCreated on: 06-05-16 13:47 Damage to the vmPFC associated with an increased risk of reactive aggression. Blair and Cipolotti, 2000. 1 of 23 vmPFC damage is associated with deficits in moral judgement (young, 2010) 2 of 23 Selective damage to amygdala causes Kluver Bucy syndrome Hayman 1998 3 of 23 patients with amygdala lesions have deficits in the recognition of fearful expressions calder et al, 1996. (Bach, 2013 counter) 4 of 23 PSYCHOPATHY ‘high levels of aggression and antisocial behaviour performed without guilt or empathy for their victims’ (Dolan 1999) 5 of 23 Born criminal Lombroso, 1876 6 of 23 Reduced grey matter in orbito-frontal cortex and FOC - tilhonen 2008. 7 of 23 There is a reduction in amygdala volume in psychopaths compared to healthy controls with volumes negatively related to PCL-R score Yang, 2009 8 of 23 BEHAVIOR - deficits in recognition of fearful faces. Marsh 2008 - suggest amugdala dysfunction 9 of 23 Reduced potentiation of eyeblink startle reflex in response to visual threat primes. Patrick 1993 - suggest amygdala dysfunction 10 of 23 Impairment on reversal learning tasks than healthy populations Budhani, 2005. suggests an abnormailty in VMPFC 11 of 23 Activation of vmPFCin reversal learning Finger 2008 - psycopathic children different. 12 of 23 Fusiform gyrus activation to fearful and neutral expressions Highly atypical pattern. Deeley, 2006 13 of 23 grey matter concentration in medial OFC and ACC greater in children with callous unemotional traits. De Brito et al., 2009 14 of 23 reduced autonomic reactivity to distressed faces Suggests amygdala dysfunction - Blair 1997 15 of 23 reduced activation of temporal structures, including amygdalahippocampus formation, during an affective memory task Kiehl 2001 16 of 23 WHITE MATTER • Increasing evidence for WM disconnectivity between prefrontal and other brain regions in ASPD and psychopathy 17 of 23 WM FA reduction in psychopaths, particuarly in CC and degree correlates with severity Sundram 2013 18 of 23 Reduced microstructural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus in psychopaths relative to controls Craig, 2009 19 of 23 What does the UF connect The orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala 20 of 23 reporting reduced functional connectivity between the amygdala and prefrontal areas in conduct disordered () and CU () children. Decety et al., 2009, Marsh et al., 2008 21 of 23 Lack of CC means lack of interhemispheric modulation Hiatt and Newmann, 2007 22 of 23 CC psychothys had increased interhemispheric connectivity Rainne 2003 23 of 23
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