  • Created by: EvElYn
  • Created on: 26-01-19 16:17
Responses to the Black Death
Home remedies: purging, vomiting, blood letting carrying a bag of posies to purify the air - based on the causes. The king avoided the sick, he fled when the outbreak was the worst. People blamed the jews so they were burned at the stake
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causes of the black death
Beliefs: Caused by Miasma (bad air), the church thought it was Gods punishmnet so they urged people to pray and confess their sins, Imbalanced four humours: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm
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characteristists of medieval britain (1)
Beliefs, attitudes and values: very religious, believed in the devil and God, The church gave food and shelter to the needy. Science and technology: Low level technology the microscope was not invented no idea that germs caused disease.
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Characteristics of medieval britain (2)
Labourouers: worked on the farm land for the king - property of the king, could die from hunger and they needed to support their families
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local government 1250-1500 (1)
shrewsbury 1276: edward I gave permision for them to raise money to pave streets and market places. Winchester 1329: guild ordered all meat the be checked before it was sold. York 1301: ordered for the streets to be cleaned and introduce new laws
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local government 1250-1500 (2)
carlisle 1345: streets were filthy with dung heaps and other mess that corrupted the air, couldnt clean it up because of the constant attack from the scots. Norwich 1287-89: publically named and shamed for dumping waste and polluting waterways.
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Local government 1250-1500 (3)
Bristol 1300s: coucillers passed a law that removed dung heaps, lepers and prostitutes from the town
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Rural living conditions
lived in big timber framed houses, Disease: ergotism grew of rye in the summer months, drink from polluted river, midden or privy in each garden, recycled their rubbish for fertilizer
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urban living conditions
small cramped back to back housing, people could sell porducts and earn a living at market places - iron studded catrs sold food, drank weak ale instead of water, had a compost heap - gongfermers collected the rubbish in the streets
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deeply religious people who thought the Black Death was a punishment from God. They whipped themselves to beg for forgivness, they didnt wash which spread the pague even more (but people didnt know that)
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Card 2


Beliefs: Caused by Miasma (bad air), the church thought it was Gods punishmnet so they urged people to pray and confess their sins, Imbalanced four humours: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm


causes of the black death

Card 3


Beliefs, attitudes and values: very religious, believed in the devil and God, The church gave food and shelter to the needy. Science and technology: Low level technology the microscope was not invented no idea that germs caused disease.


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Card 4


Labourouers: worked on the farm land for the king - property of the king, could die from hunger and they needed to support their families


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Card 5


shrewsbury 1276: edward I gave permision for them to raise money to pave streets and market places. Winchester 1329: guild ordered all meat the be checked before it was sold. York 1301: ordered for the streets to be cleaned and introduce new laws


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