Public health 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritain and the Industrial RevolutionGCSEOCR Created by: Frank16Created on: 10-05-15 10:27 What year did the industrial revolution begin? 1760 1 of 33 What years was the first cholera outbrek? 1831 - 1832 2 of 33 How many people did the first cholera outbreak kill? 8000 3 of 33 What year was there an investigation into poor laws? 1832 4 of 33 What year was the poor law ammendment act? 1834 5 of 33 Who publishes 'Sanitary conditions of the labouring population og Great Britain? And when did he publish it? Edwin Chadwick - 1842 6 of 33 When was the second cholera epidemic? 1848 7 of 33 How many people did the second cholera epidemic kill? 12,000 8 of 33 When was the first public health act? 1848 9 of 33 What was the main difference between the first and scond public health act? The second one had the same rules but made them compulsory 10 of 33 What year was the Broad Street cholera outbreak? 1854 11 of 33 What year does John Snow find out that cholera is waterbourne? 1855 12 of 33 What year was the Great Stink? 1858 13 of 33 What year was there a cholera epidemic specifically in London? 1866 14 of 33 What year was the reform act? 1867 15 of 33 What year was the second public health act? 1875 16 of 33 What year was the Atisan Dwellings act? 1875 17 of 33 What was the main city that Joseph Chamberlin affected? Birmingham 18 of 33 What year did Chamberlin order slum clearance in Birmingham? 1875 19 of 33 Who publishes 'Labour and life of the people'? And when did he publish him? Charles Booth - 1889 20 of 33 What year was the free school meals act introduced? 1906 21 of 33 What year did school medical inspections begin? 1907 22 of 33 What year was the old age pensions act introduced? 1908 23 of 33 Who passed the 'people's budget'? And when did they? Lloyd George -1910 24 of 33 When was the national insurance act introduced? 1911 25 of 33 At the time period you are studying who was the leader of the Liberals? Gladstone 26 of 33 In the time period you are studying who was the leader of the Conservatives? Disraeli 27 of 33 Who proposed the idea of giving working men the vote? Gladstone of the Liberals 28 of 33 Who passed the law allowing working men to vote? Disraeli of the Conservatives 29 of 33 How did Disraeli persuade conservatives to allow the working men the vote? He said they would vote 'conservative for life' 30 of 33 Name 3 reforms Galdstone brought in when he was in power? 1870 education act which created primary eductaion 1872 -election held by secret ballot 1872 - flushing toilets 31 of 33 Name 3 reforms Disraeli brought in when he was in power? 1875 -public health act 1875 - Artisan dwellings act 1875 - Food and drugs act 32 of 33 Which party arguably did more for public health? Why is this odd? Conservatives. Because the Conservatives stood for tradition English values whereas Liberals were progresive and wanted change 33 of 33
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