
Why is Puck mischevious?
Because in the night, the wanderers of the night get lost because Puck confuses and frightens them.
1 of 6
Why is Puck Kind?
Because he gives good luck.
2 of 6
Identify the technique for 'Puck is Kind'
It is an adjective because it is describing Puck
3 of 6
Explain why he gives out good luck?
The people that call him 'Puck' or 'Sweet Puck' gets good luck and Puck also does their work for them.
4 of 6
Give reasons why Puck is 'mischievous'?
He makes the wanderers of the night lost.
He bobs in the gossips barrel of beer.
5 of 6
Why does Puck given the job of the love potion?
Oberon gave him the job and trusted him to do the job.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Why is Puck Kind?


Because he gives good luck.

Card 3


Identify the technique for 'Puck is Kind'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain why he gives out good luck?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give reasons why Puck is 'mischievous'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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