PY3 Issues in Research A crossword on issues in research. 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? PsychologyResearch methods and techniquesA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: EmilyCreated on: 14-12-12 10:59 Ecological _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8) validity 1 of 12 Which famous study deceived the participants in thinking it was on memory? (7) milgram 2 of 12 This psychologist's study involved a wire mother. (6) harlow 3 of 12 British Psychological _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7) society 4 of 12 'If the subject showed his unwillingness to go on, the experimenter responded with a sequence of _ _ _ _ _' (5) prods 5 of 12 Cost - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Analysis (7) benefit 6 of 12 Psychologist who performed a famous prison study. (8) Zimbardo 7 of 12 Usually done after the study has finished and informs participants of the full study. (7) debrief 8 of 12 View that ethics should never be breached. (8) absolute 9 of 12 View that breach of ethics depend on circumstance. (8) relative 10 of 12 Asking others before the experiment whether they would do the study. (11) presumptive 11 of 12 Animals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act (1986) (10) scientific 12 of 12