introduced individualistic and collectivist cultures
1 of 7
Salamon (1977)
collectivist cultures are more likely to have fewer but closer friends
2 of 7
Shaver, Wu and Schwartz (1991)
in China, romantic love is associated with sorrow, pain and unfulfilled affection. They believe the western view is too optimistic
3 of 7
Levine (1995)
in a cross cultural study, found a +0.56 correlation between individualism and importance of love
4 of 7
Harris (1995)
Of 42 hunter gatherer societies, 26 showed evidence of romantic love, but only 6 of them gave complete freedom of choice in a partner
5 of 7
Gupta and Singh (1982)
initially, arranged marriages have contain less love than those chosen for love. However, love increases over time in arranged marriages and decreases in love marriages until 10 years in which there is no difference.
6 of 7
Simmel (1971)
claims that divorce is higher in individualistic cultures as seeking out the ideal partner is essential
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
collectivist cultures are more likely to have fewer but closer friends
Salamon (1977)
Card 3
in China, romantic love is associated with sorrow, pain and unfulfilled affection. They believe the western view is too optimistic
Card 4
in a cross cultural study, found a +0.56 correlation between individualism and importance of love
Card 5
Of 42 hunter gatherer societies, 26 showed evidence of romantic love, but only 6 of them gave complete freedom of choice in a partner
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