Quality Of Life Definitions 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareFactors affecting quality of lifeA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: CaiWCreated on: 06-10-16 10:50 Physical comfort Provision of a suitable environment which meets an individuals needs 1 of 15 Safety Using precautions and assisting people to prevent one from physical harm 2 of 15 Diet Providing a variety of appetizing and nutritious foods 3 of 15 Exercise Physical activity 4 of 15 Hygiene Keeping the environment clean and using precautions to prevent unnecessary disease or illness 5 of 15 Pain relief The provision of a number of ways to ensure individuals are free from pain 6 of 15 Stimulation The presence of a stimulus to keep the mind active and alert thus preventing boredom 7 of 15 Engaging in activities Having something to do and being occupied 8 of 15 Dignity Treating an individual with respect, observing one's wishes and ensuring one's self-esteem is kept positive 9 of 15 Approval Showing affection or praise for someone's actions 10 of 15 Autonomy One's ability to have control over their own life and have the opportunity to make their own decisions without coercion of others 11 of 15 Privacy Being allowed the opportunity to be unobserved and undisturbed 12 of 15 Psychological security Ensuring individual's are not afraid or worried by any aspect of their life 13 of 15 Social contact Opportunities to be with other people 14 of 15 Social support Providing individuals with emotional security by discussing problems 15 of 15
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