Que te gusta leer/con que-What do you like Reading/ How Often 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishGrammar and vocabularyListening to SpanishGCSEAQA Created by: megworkinCreated on: 24-11-19 11:44 los blogs/ los tebeos- los comics/los periodicos/las revistas/las poesias blogs/comics/newspapers/magazines/poems 1 of 5 las novelas de ciencia ficcion/las novelas de amor/ las historias de vampiros/las biografias science fiction novels/romantic novels/vampire stories/biographies 2 of 5 cada dia-todos los dias/a muendo/generalmente/de vez en cuando every day/often/generally/from time to time 3 of 5 leer en formato digital.../protege el planeta reading in digital form.../protects the planet 4 of 5 un libro tradicional/tocar las paginas a traditional book/to touch the pages 5 of 5
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