What are the time signatures in Killer Queen and why is this unique?
Most of the song is written in 12/8 (four beats in a bar) but there are a few bars in 6/8 (two beats in a bar). This is unique because though Killer Queen is written in compound time, most pop songs are in 4/4 (simple time).
2 of 16
State the instrumentation in Killer Queen
Vocals, piano, 'jangle' piano, electric guitar, bass guitar, drum kit and percussion
3 of 16
Extended chords are used in this song. What is meant by extended chords?
A chord with at least one added note, such as the ninth
4 of 16
Inversions of chords are used to create scalic movement in the bass. Why is meant by scalic?
Music that is based on scales ascending and/or descending in pitch
5 of 16
What is a synthesiser?
An electronic musical instrument that creates sounds by manipulating combinations of waveforms or by modifying existing sounds.
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Define overdubbing
Recording an instrumental or vocal part over previously recorded music
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There are gospel-inspired harmonies in Killer Queen. What is gospel music?
A musical style with roots in the black oral tradition in which vocal harmonies play a prominent role
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Define timbre
The particular tone colour of an instrument or voice
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Throughout Killer Queen, the vocal line in almost entirely syllabic. What is meant by syllabic?
One note per syllable
10 of 16
Technology: Define panning
Giving sounds different levels in the left and right speakers so that it sounds as if they are coming from a new direction
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Technology: Define flanger
An effect creating a swirling or swooshing sound
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Technology: Define distortion
An effect that increases the volume and sustain on an electric guitar as well as making the timbre more gritty or smooth depending on the settings
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Technology: Define wah-wah
A filter effect in which the peak of the filter is swept up and down the frequency range in response to the player's foot movement on a rocker pedal
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Technology: Define reverb
An effect which creates the impression of being in a physical space
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Guitar techniques: Define pull-offs
When a note is sounded on the guitar by plucking the string with the fretting hand
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the time signatures in Killer Queen and why is this unique?
Most of the song is written in 12/8 (four beats in a bar) but there are a few bars in 6/8 (two beats in a bar). This is unique because though Killer Queen is written in compound time, most pop songs are in 4/4 (simple time).
Card 3
State the instrumentation in Killer Queen
Card 4
Extended chords are used in this song. What is meant by extended chords?
Card 5
Inversions of chords are used to create scalic movement in the bass. Why is meant by scalic?
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