Quiz for the keys of the Music Set Pieces what the title says:L 4.5 / 5 based on 19 ratings ? MusicGCSEAll boards Created by: MaddyCreated on: 05-05-11 12:03 What key is Moby- Why Does my Heart feel so bad in? A Minor 1 of 10 What key is Arnold Schoenburg-Peripeti in? Atonal 2 of 10 What key is Steve Reich-Third Movement for Electric Counterpoint in? E Minor/ C Minor 3 of 10 What key is Mozart- First Movement from Symphony no 40 in? G Minor 4 of 10 What key is Leonard Bernstein- Something's Coming in? D Major 5 of 10 What key is Jeff Buckley- Grace in? E Minor 6 of 10 What key is Chopin- Prelude no 15 in? D flat Major 7 of 10 What key is Capercaille- Skye Waulking song in? E Minor/ G Major 8 of 10 What key is Miles Davis-All Blues in? G Major 9 of 10 What key is Handel- And the Glory of the Lord in? A Major 10 of 10
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