random words 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishrandomIGCSEEdexcel Created by: revisepolkadotsCreated on: 26-05-18 20:39 doblar to dub or to fold 1 of 71 guión script 2 of 71 traducir to transalate 3 of 71 tibúron shark 4 of 71 buscando searching 5 of 71 buscar to search 6 of 71 lejos far away 7 of 71 la actualidad actually 8 of 71 planta baja ground floor 9 of 71 una provencía county/state 10 of 71 ayudar to help 11 of 71 equipo team 12 of 71 tareas chores 13 of 71 quieto/a calm 14 of 71 obediente obedient 15 of 71 rata/o stingy/cheapskate 16 of 71 dorado golden 17 of 71 oro/a gold 18 of 71 mi hoga my house 19 of 71 listo/a smart/ready 20 of 71 llegar to arrive 21 of 71 amistad for 22 of 71 contar to tell/count 23 of 71 una risa laugh 24 of 71 una sonrisa a smile 25 of 71 muchacho/a a boy/girl 26 of 71 apoyo supportive 27 of 71 consola console 28 of 71 recetas recipes 29 of 71 ajedrez chess 30 of 71 olvidar to forget 31 of 71 quedarse to stay 32 of 71 alojarse to remain 33 of 71 manterse en forma to keep shape 34 of 71 salvar to protect (people) 35 of 71 guardar to keep safe / look after 36 of 71 tengo claro it's clear 37 of 71 greigo greek 38 of 71 ruso russian 39 of 71 coreano korean 40 of 71 japones japonese 41 of 71 cantónes cantanese 42 of 71 tailandés thailand 43 of 71 arabé arabic 44 of 71 timbe bell 45 of 71 un par two things 46 of 71 par a pair / even 47 of 71 la madrugada the early morning 48 of 71 aries aries 49 of 71 tauro taurus 50 of 71 geminis gemini 51 of 71 cancer cancer 52 of 71 leo leo 53 of 71 virgo virgo 54 of 71 viudo widow 55 of 71 mosto grape juice 56 of 71 a mi tan poco me too (neg.) 57 of 71 a mi también me too (pos.) 58 of 71 sobre peso overweight 59 of 71 dejar to quit 60 of 71 abusar to abuse 61 of 71 perjudicial bad 62 of 71 tal vez maybe 63 of 71 sondeo survey 64 of 71 sweets chucherias, chuches 65 of 71 no es saludable tener estómago vacío it is not healthy to have an empty stomach 66 of 71 vatido smoothie 67 of 71 energía energy 68 of 71 contener to contain 69 of 71 refrescarse to refresh 70 of 71 shoulders los hombros 71 of 71
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