Random Bio Facts Test! 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyEVERYTHINGIGCSEEdexcel Created by: PollyCreated on: 30-04-15 18:42 What does contrary heart disease do? Plaque builds up in the arteries, restricting blood flow. 1 of 27 What factors increase the rate of transpiration? Increased light intensity, increased temp, decreased humidity, increased wind speed 2 of 27 What do lymphocytes do? Produce anti-bodies destroying harmful micro-organisms. 3 of 27 What do phagocytes do? Engulf infecting bacteria. 4 of 27 How does vaccination prevent future diseases? Manufacture of memory cells. The memory lymphocytes can produce antibodies faster and in greater quantities. 5 of 27 What is the function of plasma? Carries cells, nutrients, hormones, CO2, urea, and heat around body. 6 of 27 How does nervous communication travel around the body and why is it different to endocrine? Nervous communication is nerve impulses, endocrine is hormones in the blood stream. 7 of 27 What are the differences in effects and responses of nervous and endocrine communication? Nervous = instant effect and short response, Endocrine = slower effect an long lasting response. 8 of 27 What is a reflex arc? Stimulus, receptor, sensory neuron, CNS (relay neuron), motor neuron, effector, response 9 of 27 What is the function of the cornea? Transparent, lets light through, slightly refracts light. 10 of 27 What is the function of the retina? Traduces light energy into electrical energy using rods and cones. 11 of 27 What does the optic nerve do? Connects the eye to the brain. 12 of 27 What does the lens do? Refracts light causing it to fall directly on the fovea. 13 of 27 What does the fovea do? Gives the clearest image. 14 of 27 What does the iris do? Controls the amount of light entering the eye. 15 of 27 What does the hormone insulin do? Stimulates the liver cells to take up glucose and convert it into glycogen, lowering the blood levels of glucose. 16 of 27 How can a runner produce asexually? As the plant grows, some part breaks away and touches the ground, growing into a new plant. 17 of 27 Where are pollen grains produced? In the anthers of the stamens. 18 of 27 Where are ova produced? In the ovules of the ovaries. 19 of 27 What does the placenta do? Takes nutrients and O2 in, and takes waste and CO2 out. 20 of 27 Describe the tail of a sperm. Made of protein filaments enabling sperm to swim. 21 of 27 Describe the neck of a sperm. Contains mitochondria providing energy for sperm movements. 22 of 27 Describe the achromosome of a sperm. Membranous sac containing enzymes that destroy outer egg surface. 23 of 27 What effect does a mutation have on an enzyme? Changes it's shape, changing the time taken to reach it's activation energy. 24 of 27 What is the greenhouse effect? Some long wave radiation from the sun is absorbed by greenhouse gases and emitted back onto earth. 25 of 27 What are the greenhouse gases? CO2, water vapour, nitrous oxide, methane, CFCs 26 of 27 What is recombinant DNA? DNA that has been taken out of one species and inserted into another. 27 of 27
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