Rate of heat transfer page 26

  • Created by: Waldron16
  • Created on: 17-11-13 18:24
How does a vacuum flask reduce heat transfer through conduction
The bottle is supported using insulating foam. This minimises heat conduction to or from the outer glass bottle. The stopper is made of plastic and filled with cork or foam to reduce any heat conduction through it. double walled with vacuum.
1 of 6
How does a vacuum flask reduce heat transfer through convection
1. The glass bottle is double-walled with a vacuum between the two walls. This stops all conduction and convection through the sides.
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How does a vacuum flask reduce heat transfer through radiation
The walls either side of the vacuum are silvered to keep the heat loss of radiation to a minimum
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Give examples of ways human conserve heat in cold conditions
1. In the cold, the hairs on your skin “stand up” to trap a thicker layer of insulating air around the body. This limits the amount of heat loss by convection. Some animals do the same using fur.
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Give an example of a way humans lose heat in hot weather.
2. When you’re too warm, your body diverts more blood to flow near the surface of your skin so that more heat can be lost by radiation-that’s why some people go pink when they get hot.
5 of 6
Give an example of an animal adaption that helps conserve or lose heat.
3. Generally, animals in warmer climates have larger ears than those in cold climates to help control heat transfer.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does a vacuum flask reduce heat transfer through convection


1. The glass bottle is double-walled with a vacuum between the two walls. This stops all conduction and convection through the sides.

Card 3


How does a vacuum flask reduce heat transfer through radiation


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give examples of ways human conserve heat in cold conditions


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of a way humans lose heat in hot weather.


Preview of the front of card 5
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