R.E 2.1 - Belief In God
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- Created by: Lauren Heathfield
- Created on: 14-05-16 19:37
What does Omnipotent mean?
God is all powerful
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What does Omniscient mean?
God is all knowing
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What does Omni-benevolent mean?
God is all good
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How does a religious upbringing lead to belief in God?
By sending children to church they start to learn about God, believing he is real. If parents teach their children to pray from a young age, they will grow up thinking God is real. Sunday school- constantly hearing about god, will start to believe.
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Why do Christians believe in a religious upbringing?
Christians want their child to go to heaven. The religion if not taught to their children w
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Why do some people disagree with religious upbringing?
Religion should be a free choice. Parents should guide not make decisions. Children who are forced into a religion may rebel and turn away from it.
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Name three religious experiences
Miracles. Conversion. Numinous experience
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What is a MIRACLE and give an example
An act of god, Example - The healing of the crippled man
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What is a CONVERSION and give an example
An experience leading one to believe in god, Example - answered prayers
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What is a NUMINOUS EXPERIENCE and give an example
An experience leaving the person to believe their is a being greater than themselves (words are not enough to describe the experience) example- Sunset
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Why do Christians believe in the DESIGN ARGUMENT?
Universe shows evidence of being designed (Gravity). Suggests a being with great intelligence designed the universe. The universe is too complex to have happened by chance
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Why do some people NOT believe in the DESIGN ARGUMENT?
Only suggests God is the designer. Cannot prove God's existence. The appearance of design could be the result of evolution
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Proving the existence of God as everything happens for a reason
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Why do Christians believe in the CAUSATION ARGUMENT?
Nothing happens by itself (Big Bang). Everything that happens must be CAUSED by something. For this complex universe to exist an omnipotent cause is the only way the universe exists.
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Why do some people NOT believe in the CAUSATION ARGUMENT?
Cannot be proved. If everything has a cause who caused God?. More other possible causes for the universe (e.g. Scientific Big Bang). Even if everything in our world has a cause dosent mean the universe does
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Thomas Aquinas - A Roman Catholic Priest
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Give two arguments for the COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT
Everything that happens is caused by something else. First cause had to be God.
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What did Thomas Aquinas call God and why?
The Unmoved Maker - Because God is the start of the universe
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Name two scientific explanations of the origins(start) of the world
The Big Bang theory. Charles Darwin's theory - evolution - The Natural Selection theory.
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What are some Christian responses to scientific explanations for the start of the universe?
The scientific theories are compatible with God. The six days of creation in the bible were 'stages'. Science describes how the universe exists and the bible explains why
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What are other Christian responses to scientific explanations?
Other Christians believe they are wrong because they conflict to what is written in the bible - Called CREATIONISTS
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Actions carried out by humans that cause suffering - e.g. ****
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Things that cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans - e.g. disease
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Why does evil and suffering lead people to not believe in God?
Because they see evil and suffering all around them as it is present everywhere in the world
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EXPLAIN why evil and suffering lead to people not believing in God?
If God was OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNI-BENEVOLENT, God would have the power to remove evil, care for his creations and not want them to suffer, he would know when his creations suffer, Can argue that God does not exisit
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Name a TV show and film that portray belief in God.
TV show - Songs of praise. Film - Bruce Almighty
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Name one reason how portraying belief in God through media can be a NEGATIVE thing
Many people have wrong ideas about religion so by showing it on TV can correct these and have a positive impact
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Name three reasons how portraying belief in God through media can be a NEGATIVE thing
Some religious programmes portray religion as something to laugh at or question Gods existence. May suggest religious people are crazy or that their is something wrong with being religious. E.g the NEWS can give a wrong impact on relglion
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does Omniscient mean?
God is all knowing
Card 3
What does Omni-benevolent mean?
Card 4
How does a religious upbringing lead to belief in God?
Card 5
Why do Christians believe in a religious upbringing?
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