RE-Unit3-Islam: 10 Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesIslamGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 18-09-22 15:37 The 10 obligatory acts applies to who? shi'a muslims 1 of 22 What do Sunni Muslims follow? the five pillars of Islam 2 of 22 Purpose -------------- One purpose is that the acts help ______ a Muslim? guide 3 of 22 On how to? live their life as a good muslim 4 of 22 Another purpose is to get? closer to Allah 5 of 22 Another purpose is that the acts will help Muslims achieve their what? reward of paradise after death 6 of 22 The acts also do what to all shi'a muslims? unite them 7 of 22 The Ten Obligatory Acts ------------------------------ What are they? Salah Sawm Zakah Hajj Khums Jihad Amr-bil-Maroof Nahi Anil Munkar Tawalla Tabarra 8 of 22 What is Salah? prayer 3-5 times a day 9 of 22 What is sawm? fasting during daylight hours 10 of 22 What is zakah? donating 2.5% of wealth to needy 11 of 22 What is Hajj? pilgrimage to Makkah 12 of 22 Khums? annual taxation 13 of 22 Jihad? struggles to overcome 14 of 22 Over come what? to be a better muslims (greater jihad) to defend islam usually w violence (lesser islam) 15 of 22 Amr-Bil-Maroof? commandments from Qur'an on how Shi'a muslims should lead their life 16 of 22 Nahi Anil Munkar? resist temptation and forbid evil no sin against Allah 17 of 22 Tawalla? expressing love towards good 18 of 22 Tabarra? move away from evil 19 of 22 e.g.? those who turn away from Allah 20 of 22 quote give____and____ _____? give zakah and obey allah 21 of 22 quote Allah is_____ in _____ and _____ Allah is exalted in Might and Wise 22 of 22
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