Re Ethics - Marriage 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesMarriage and RelationshipsGCSEAQA Created by: FayeelizabethCreated on: 24-11-13 15:16 A sacred contract involving promises. It is a binding agreement in which God acts a witness Sacramental covenant 1 of 9 A service of Holy Communion held as part of the marriage ceremony Nuptial Mass 2 of 9 Sex that has the possibility of conception Procreative sex 3 of 9 The idea that sexual intercourse makes a couple one Unitive sex 4 of 9 Non-religious ceremonies that allow gay couples to legally register their partnerships Civil Partnership ceremonies 5 of 9 Not religious Secular 6 of 9 One of the Christian Sacraments, a service at which Christians eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of Jesus' death Eucharist 7 of 9 A sacrament that involves confessing your sins to a priest, who declares God's forgivness Reconciliation 8 of 9 The declaration that a valid marriage never existed Annulment 9 of 9
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