an abortion takes place when the life of a foetus in ended in the womb.
1 of 5
what are the UK abortion laws?
abortion is allowed before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
2 of 5
what is sanctity of life?
the belief that life is holy and belongs to God.
3 of 5
what are arguments of conservative christians against abortion?
abortion is murder or God has a plan for every human life and humans should not interfere with that plan.
4 of 5
what are muslim attitudes towards abortion?
most muslims believe that abortion is always wrong, but most agree it can be permitted before 120 days if the womans life is in danger or the foetus will be seriously disabled.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are the UK abortion laws?
abortion is allowed before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Card 3
what is sanctity of life?
Card 4
what are arguments of conservative christians against abortion?
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