REASON - Moments in Sports can sometimes just be beautiful.
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Help the indivdual feel good
BENEFIT - Excercising can literally make you feel good. When you excercise there is a hormome that is released that is called serotonin and it is known as the "feel good" hormone
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Relieve Stress and Tension
BENEFIT - When you are competiting or taking part in physical excercise can take your mind off of all your problems in your head for a while acting as a distraction helping you release stress.
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REASON - This would help to release your stress because you wouldnt be concentrating on your problems
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Improve Health
BENEFIT - People who are more fit usuall cope better against illness, especially against serious illness. Physical Activity impoves how good your heart and lungs lunction
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INFLUENCE - E.G. You couldnt play tackle rugby if you were three years old
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Increase Fitness
BENEFIT - Excercising, training and taking part in physical excercise can increase your fitness
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REASON - Working in teams or groups improves your teamwork and co-operation
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INFLUENCE - E.G. If you were in a wheelchair you wouldnt be snowboarding
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Physical Challenge
REASON - Physical Actvity can be very satisfying especially for someone who hasnt competed in a long time
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Increase Self Esteem and Confidence
BENEFIT - Many activivties provide a pysical challenge and overcoming the challenge can imporve your self esteem and or increase your confidence
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Development of Friendships and Social Mixing
REASON - You would be involved with alot of other people ususally and this could either create new friendships or build current ones
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INFLUENCE - E.G. Usually you dont see teen boys playing netball
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BENEFIT - Many people take part in a certain sport due to the fact that they enjoy it. Maybe its taking part in the challenge or something else
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Mental Challenge
BENEFIT - Physical activity doesnt only provide a physical challenge but also a mental one.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
BENEFIT - Excercising can literally make you feel good. When you excercise there is a hormome that is released that is called serotonin and it is known as the "feel good" hormone
Help the indivdual feel good
Card 3
BENEFIT - When you are competiting or taking part in physical excercise can take your mind off of all your problems in your head for a while acting as a distraction helping you release stress.
Card 4
REASON - This would help to release your stress because you wouldnt be concentrating on your problems
Card 5
BENEFIT - People who are more fit usuall cope better against illness, especially against serious illness. Physical Activity impoves how good your heart and lungs lunction
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