Reasons for Ostpolitik

Why did West German leaders take a pragmatic approach to a divided germany, by accepting that it was a fact of life?
Because reunification was far from an international priority and it was unlikely to happen in the near future
1 of 6
What did Brandt and his advisors understand about negotiating with the GDR?
That more would be gained by negotiating directly with the GDR
2 of 6
What did 'change through convergence' mean for relations between east and west germany?
Normalising relations without threatening the peace of europe. Recognising the situation as it was and dealing with it accordingly
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Why else was it logical for the FRG to seek friendly relations with the GDR?
The two countries could not avoid close natural ties, they shared a common language, traditions, history, families. There seemed no reason why they could not co-operate together in the interests of national harmony and restoring human contacts
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How did the GDR government respond to the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia?
Ulbricht wholeheartedly supported it as he believed that it preserved peace, it secured the GDR border, it prevented the spread of reformist ideas into the GDR and it prevented any democratisation within the SED. GDR troops not really involved
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How did GDR citizens respond to the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia?
there were some protests in GDR against the invasion that were put down brutally, the invasion convinced them that there was little hope that the SED would introduce reforms
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Card 2


What did Brandt and his advisors understand about negotiating with the GDR?


That more would be gained by negotiating directly with the GDR

Card 3


What did 'change through convergence' mean for relations between east and west germany?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why else was it logical for the FRG to seek friendly relations with the GDR?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did the GDR government respond to the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia?


Preview of the front of card 5
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