Recap Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? OtherA mixtureOtherOther Created by: missmillycCreated on: 16-05-15 10:40 What are the prime numbers between 60-70 61 and 67 1 of 10 What is the Gurdwara Sikhs holy place of worship 2 of 10 What are the factors of 8 1,2,4,8 3 of 10 What is a prime number a whole number greater than 1, whose only two whole-number factors are 1 and itself. 4 of 10 Un Château Castle 5 of 10 Aller To go 6 of 10 Quand je m'ennuie When I'm bored 7 of 10 What happened on Thursday Holy Week He as the last supper with his disciples 8 of 10 Who was guru Nanak He founded the Sikhism faith and was the first Sikh guru 9 of 10 What Is the Guru Granth Sahib? The Sikh holy book 10 of 10
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