species conservation references
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- Created by: Elysia_Davies
- Created on: 16-04-17 19:19
UK SDM and Climate Change
Berry et al. 2002
1 of 54
Australia and Climate change
Van der Wal et al. 2012
2 of 54
Comparing ES projects and BD projects
Goldman et al. 2008
3 of 54
Cost of Conservation= $76.1 billion
McCarthy et al 2012
4 of 54
12% funded
McCarthy etr al. 2012
5 of 54
"The SDG are fairy tales"
Horten, 2014
6 of 54
cost of conservation is
McCarthy et al. 2012
7 of 54
Who should pay for conservation?
Balmford and Whittern, 2003
8 of 54
Developed countries 1/3rd funded, developing 1/20th funded
Balmford and Whittern, 2003
9 of 54
Madagascan family cost of 2 PAs annually $39-125
Balmford and Whittern, 2003
10 of 54
2010 CMD targets have not been met, no measured decrease in biodiversity loss
Butchart et al. 2010
11 of 54
Aichi targets wont result in a measured imporivement by 2020
Titensor et al. 2014
12 of 54
Targets are compatible 17% ~ 67% of species
Joppa et al. 2013
13 of 54
linking demographic model and distribution model
Kieth et al. 2008
14 of 54
How much warning does the Red List give?
Stanton et al. 2015
15 of 54
All factors= 60 years, 1 factors= 20 years
Stanton et al. 2013
16 of 54
NYC water purification
Foley et al. 2005
17 of 54
plant = $6-8 billion and then $300 million annually, buying in the catskills = $1 billion
Foley et al. 2005
18 of 54
Canadian Arctic shrubs
Strum et al. 2001
19 of 54
Arctic greening, loss of graminoids
Pearson et al. 2013
20 of 54
The diversity-stability debate
McCann, 2000
21 of 54
Bees and Coffee, forest patch = $62,000 annually
Klein et al. 2003
22 of 54
5 case studies of converte or 'natural' land
Balmford et al. 2002
23 of 54
PA in African rainforest
Stroskaker et al 2004
24 of 54
Problems: pressure from surrounding pop, no long term monitoring programme, poor law enforcement, no funding, corruption, too small size, invasive sp., not sharing revenue
Stroskaker et al. 2004
25 of 54
determinants of success: positive public attitude, effective law enforcement, large size, low human pop, NGO prescence, ecological connectivity
Stroskaker et al. 2004
26 of 54
revenue sharing and effective law enforcement correclated with positive public attitude
Stroskaker et al. 2004
27 of 54
"New Conservation"
Kareiver et al. 2012
28 of 54
Soay sheep
Coulson et al. 2001
29 of 54
extinction rate 100-1000 times greater than background
Pimm et al. 1995
30 of 54
Biodiversity discovery, Madagascar 19 new reptiles
Raxworthy and Pearson, in prep
31 of 54
15% terrestrai land, 10% coastal and marine areas, 4% ocean protected
Protected Planet report, 2016
32 of 54
More protected area management effectiveness assessments needed
Protected Planet Report, 2016
33 of 54
Not at a 75% extinct magnitude yet
Barnosky et al. 2011
34 of 54
Could reach 75% level in 240-540 years
Barnosky et al. 2011
35 of 54
The Anthropocene= Preent human dominated epoch
Crutzen, 2002
36 of 54
Synergies among extinction drivers, amplifying feedback
Brook et al. 2008
37 of 54
Driven to extinction (Book)
Pearson, 2011
38 of 54
The extinction vortex
Gilpin and Soule, 1998
39 of 54
Tana River crested Mangabeys, 8000 individuals
Kinnard and O'brien, 1991
40 of 54
SDM and Reserve planning, Madagascar
Kremen et al. 2008
41 of 54
IUCN reclassification
Mace and Lande, 1991
42 of 54
Biological invasions, stage based barrier model
Blackburn et al. 2011
43 of 54
Extinction risk and climate change, 1 million extinct
Thomas et al. 2004
44 of 54
"Extinction risk coverage is worth the inaccuracies"
Hannah and Philips, 2004
45 of 54
"Dangers of crying wolf over risk of extinctions"
Ladle et al. 2004
46 of 54
SDM and invasions, American bullfrog
Ficetola et al. 2007
47 of 54
comparing ES projects and BD projects
Goldman et al. 2008
48 of 54
Value of nature, nature of value
Daily et al. 2000
49 of 54
meta-analysis of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Cardinale et al. 2012
50 of 54
El Nino caused Golden Toad extinction
Anchukaitis and Evans, 2010
51 of 54
Climate change caused Golden toad and Harlequin frog extinction
Pounds and Crump, 1994
52 of 54
Including ES in a conservation plan may be cost effective when they are represented as substitutable co-benefits rather than targetted benefits
Chan et al. 2011
53 of 54
Pied flycatcher and Great ***
Both and Visser, 2001
54 of 54
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Australia and Climate change
Van der Wal et al. 2012
Card 3
Comparing ES projects and BD projects

Card 4
Cost of Conservation= $76.1 billion

Card 5
12% funded

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