Relationship 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesMarriage and RelationshipsGCSEWJEC Created by: shanazBegumCreated on: 29-03-16 11:07 Chastity Not having any sexual intercourse until after marriage. E.g It is forbidden in Islam to having any sexual relationship with a partner. 1 of 10 Commitment Being loyal to your partner. E.g "Till death do us apart" 2 of 10 Conflict Having an arguement or disagreement over something. 3 of 10 Love One of the strongest human feelings in the world. E.g Love for your partner 4 of 10 Reconciliation Making up, (Saying sorry) 5 of 10 Responsibilities Your duty of care for someone, or something. E.g Looking after your partner. 6 of 10 Philia Love for friends and family. 7 of 10 Eros Sexual Love 8 of 10 Agape Chrisitan Love; a selfless love which puts others first. 9 of 10 Storge Affection for things and animals. 10 of 10
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